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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Verb: recreate
1. recreate [ Synonyms: animate, quicken, reanimate, renovate, repair, revive, revivify, vivify]
Give new life or energy to
"A hot soup will revive me"; "This will renovate my spirits"; "This treatment repaired my health";
زندہ کرنا۔
تازگی بخشنا۔
توانا کرنا۔
تقوبت بخشنا۔
جان ڈالنا۔
دوبارہ زندگی دینا۔
دوبارہ زندہ کرنا۔
احیا کرنا۔
پھر سے زندہ کرنا۔
نئی زندگی دینا۔
2. recreate [ Synonyms: play]
Engage in recreational activities rather than work; occupy oneself in a diversion
"On weekends I play"; "The students all recreate alike";
3. recreate [ Synonyms: cheer, embolden, hearten]
Give encouragement to
حوصلہ افزائی کرنا۔
4. recreate
Create anew
"she recreated the feeling of the 1920's with her stage setting";

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