1. residence [ Synonyms: abode] | |
Any address at which you dwell more than temporarily
"a person can have several residences";
رہایش۔ ٹھکانا۔ مسکن۔ |
2. residence | |
The official house or establishment of an important person (as a sovereign or president)
"he refused to live in the governor's residence";
3. residence [ Synonyms: abidance, residency] | |
The act of dwelling in a place
رہائش۔ جائے قیام۔ |
4. residence [ Synonyms: hall, manse, mansion, mansion house] | |
A large and imposing house
بڑی رہایش گاہ۔ جاگیردار کی کوٹھی۔ حویلی۔ محل۔ |
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