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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:

rig out

(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Verb: rig out
1. rig out [ Synonyms: attire, deck out, deck up, dress up, fancy up, fig out, fig up, get up, gussy up, overdress, prink, tog out, tog up, trick out, trick up]
Put on special clothes to appear particularly appealing and attractive
"She never dresses up, even when she goes to the opera"; "The young girls were all fancied up for the party";
خاص لباس پہننا۔

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December 22, 2024
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کَليدی پَتھَر ۔
بُنيادی پَتھر ۔
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