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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Adjective: secret
1. secret
Not open or public; kept private or not revealed
"a secret formula"; "secret ingredients"; "secret talks";
خاص بات۔
2. secret [ Synonyms: clandestine, cloak-and-dagger, hole-and-corner, hugger-mugger, hush-hush, surreptitious, undercover, underground]
Conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods
"clandestine intelligence operations"; "cloak-and-dagger activities behind enemy lines"; "hole-and-corner intrigue"; "secret missions"; "a secret agent"; "secret sales of arms"; "surreptitious mobilization of troops"; "an undercover investigation"; "underground resistance";
3. secret [ Synonyms: unavowed]
Not openly made known
"a secret marriage"; "a secret bride";
4. secret
Communicated covertly
"their secret signal was a wink"; "secret messages";
5. secret [ Synonyms: private]
Not expressed
"secret (or private) thoughts";
6. secret [ Synonyms: hidden]
Designed to elude detection
"a hidden room or place of concealment such as a priest hole"; "a secret passage"; "the secret compartment in the desk";
7. secret [ Synonyms: privy, secluded]
Hidden from general view or use
"a privy place to rest and think"; "a secluded romantic spot"; "a secret garden";
بے تعلق۔
الگ تھلگ۔
8. secret [ Synonyms: confidential]
(of information) given in confidence or in secret
"this arrangement must be kept confidential"; "their secret communications";
خفیہ معلومات۔
9. secret
Indulging only covertly
"a secret alcoholic";
10. secret [ Synonyms: mysterious, mystic, mystical, occult, orphic]
Having an import not apparent to the senses nor obvious to the intelligence; beyond ordinary understanding
"mysterious symbols"; "the mystical style of Blake"; "occult lore"; "the secret learning of the ancients";
پراسرار ۔
11. secret
The next to highest level of official classification for documents
Noun: secret
1. secret
Something that should remain hidden from others (especially information that is not to be passed on)
"the combination to the safe was a secret"; "he tried to keep his drinking a secret";
2. secret [ Synonyms: arcanum]
Information known only to a special group
"the secret of Cajun cooking";
جو بات صرف خاص لوگوں کو پتا ہو۔
3. secret [ Synonyms: closed book, enigma, mystery]
Something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained
"how it got out is a mystery"; "it remains one of nature's secrets";
آسانی سے نہ سمجھ میں آنے والی۔

Word of the day

December 26, 2024
- a distinguishing feature of your personal nature
ایک انفرادی خاصیت جو پوری شخصیت کا حصّہ ہوتی ہے خصلت
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