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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Verb: sensitize
1. sensitize [ Synonyms: sensibilise, sensibilize, sensify, sensitise]
Make sensitive or aware
"He was not sensitized to her emotional needs";
حساس بنانا۔
2. sensitize [ Synonyms: sensitise]
Cause to sense; make sensitive
"She sensitized me with respect to gender differences in this traditional male-dominated society"; "My tongue became sensitized to good wine";
محسوس کرنا۔
3. sensitize [ Synonyms: sensitise]
Make sensitive to a drug or allergen
"Long-term exposure to this medicine may sensitize you to the allergen";
حساس بنانا۔
4. sensitize [ Synonyms: sensitise]
Make (a material) sensitive to light, often of a particular colour, by coating it with a photographic emulsion
"sensitize the photographic film";

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