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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:

set off

(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Verb: set off
1. set off [ Synonyms: activate, actuate, spark, spark off, touch off, trigger, trigger off, trip]
Put in motion or move to act
"trigger a reaction"; "actuate the circuits";
تقابلی صورت پیش کرنا۔
2. set off [ Synonyms: depart, part, set forth, set out, start, start out, take off]
"The family took off for Florida";
کوئی منصوبہ پیش کرنا۔
درخت لگانا ۔
3. set off [ Synonyms: bring out]
Direct attention to, as if by means of contrast
"This dress accentuates your nice figure!"; "I set off these words by brackets";
دھماکا کرانا۔
4. set off [ Synonyms: blow up, detonate, explode]
Cause to burst with a violent release of energy
"We exploded the nuclear bomb";
طرہ ہو جانا۔
5. set off [ Synonyms: cancel, offset]
Make up for
"His skills offset his opponent's superior strength";
برابر ہونا۔
6. set off
Set in motion or cause to begin
"The guide set the tour off to a good start";
رخت سفر باندھنا۔
7. set off [ Synonyms: incite, instigate, stir up]
Provoke or stir up
"incite a riot"; "set off great unrest among the people";
زینت بڑھانا۔

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