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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
  Adjectives: (soggier,soggiest)

Adjective: soggy
1. soggy [ Synonyms: boggy, marshy, miry, mucky, muddy, quaggy, sloppy, sloughy, squashy, swampy, waterlogged]
(of soil) soft and watery
"the ground was boggy under foot"; "a marshy coastline"; "miry roads"; "wet mucky lowland"; "muddy barnyard"; "quaggy terrain"; "the sloughy edge of the pond"; "swampy bayous";
دلدلی ۔
کیچڑ ۔
2. soggy [ Synonyms: doughy]
Having the consistency of dough because of insufficient leavening or improper cooking
"the cake fell; it's a doughy mess";
آٹے کے پیڑے جیسا گول یا نرم ۔ زرد ۔ پیلی مریضانہ رنگت کا ۔۔
3. soggy [ Synonyms: inert, sluggish, torpid]
Slow and apathetic
"she was fat and inert"; "a sluggish worker"; "a mind grown torpid in old age";

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