1. supposed | |
Required or under orders
"I'm supposed to be there at ten"; "he was supposed to go to the store";
ضروری۔ لازمی۔ |
2. supposed | |
Mistakenly believed
"the supposed existence of ghosts";
3. supposed [ Synonyms: alleged, so-called] | |
Doubtful or suspect
"these so-called experts are no help";
مشکوک۔ |
4. supposed [ Synonyms: conjectural, divinatory, hypothetic, hypothetical, suppositional, suppositious, supposititious] | |
Based primarily on surmise rather than adequate evidence
"theories about the extinction of dinosaurs are still highly conjectural"; "the supposed reason for his absence"; "suppositious reconstructions of dead languages"; "hypothetical situation";
قیاسی۔ |
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