1. tenacious [ Synonyms: dogged, dour, persistent, pertinacious, unyielding] | |
Stubbornly unyielding
"dogged persistence"; "dour determination"; "the most vocal and pertinacious of all the critics"; "a mind not gifted to discover truth but tenacious to hold it"; "men tenacious of opinion";
اڑیل۔ پکا۔ |
2. tenacious [ Synonyms: coherent] | |
Sticking together
"two coherent sheets"; "tenacious burrs";
آپس میں چپکا ہوا۔ چسپاں۔ |
3. tenacious [ Synonyms: long, recollective, retentive] | |
Good at remembering
"a retentive mind"; "tenacious memory";
اچھے حافظے والا۔ اچھی یاداشت والا۔ |
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