1. tie up [ Synonyms: bind, tie down, truss] | |
Secure with or as if with ropes
"tie down the prisoners"; "tie up the old newspapers and bring them to the recycling shed";
رسی سے باندھنا۔ روکنا۔ باندھنا۔ محدود کر دینا۔ |
2. tie up | |
Invest so as to make unavailable for other purposes
"All my money is tied up in long-term investments";
3. tie up | |
Restrain from moving or operating normally
"Traffic is tied up for miles around the bridge where the accident occurred";
4. tie up [ Synonyms: berth, moor] | |
Secure in or as if in a berth or dock
"tie up the boat";
کشتی باندھنا۔ |
5. tie up [ Synonyms: bind off] | |
Finish the last row
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