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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Noun: trough
1. trough
A narrow depression (as in the earth or between ocean waves or in the ocean bed)
2. trough [ Synonyms: gutter]
A channel along the eaves or on the roof; collects and carries away rainwater
بارش کا بانی چھت سے نکالنے کا نالا۔
3. trough [ Synonyms: bowl]
A concave shape with an open top
پیالہ نما۔
4. trough [ Synonyms: public treasury, till]
A treasury for government funds
سرکاری خزانہ۔
5. trough
A long narrow shallow receptacle
6. trough [ Synonyms: manger]
A container (usually in a barn or stable) from which cattle or horses feed
دانہ کھلانے کا برتن۔
کونڈا جس میں جانور کو چارہ دیتے ہیں۔

Word of the day

December 22, 2024
- an army unit usually consisting of two or more divisions and their support
فوجی دستہ
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