1. turn on [ Synonyms: switch on] | |
Cause to operate by flipping a switch
"switch on the light"; "turn on the stereo";
چالو کرنا۔ |
2. turn on [ Synonyms: depend on, depend upon, devolve on, hinge on, hinge upon, ride] | |
Be contingent on
"The outcomes rides on the results of the election"; "Your grade will depends on your homework";
غیر یقینی صُورت حال میں ہونا۔ |
3. turn on | |
Produce suddenly or automatically
"Turn on the charm"; "turn on the waterworks";
پانی رَواں کَرنا ، جیسے ٹُونٹی موڑ کَر کھول کَر ، چالُو کَرنا ، جیسے بِجلی کے آلے کا ، ناز دِکھا کَر اثَر پَیدا کَرنا ،۔ |
4. turn on | |
Become hostile towards
"The dog suddenly turned on the mailman";
5. turn on [ Synonyms: agitate, charge, charge up, commove, excite, rouse] | |
Cause to be agitated, excited, or roused
"The speaker charged up the crowd with his inflammatory remarks";
بھڑکانا اکسانا مشتعل کرنا۔ |
6. turn on [ Synonyms: arouse, excite, sex, wind up] | |
Stimulate sexually
"This movie usually arouses the male audience";
7. turn on [ Synonyms: get off, trip, trip out] | |
Get high, stoned, or drugged
"He trips every weekend";
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