1. uneasiness [ Synonyms: disquietude, edginess, inquietude] | |
Feelings of anxiety that make you tense and irritable
بے تابی۔ بے چینی۔ پریشانی۔ چڑچڑا پن۔ |
2. uneasiness [ Synonyms: malaise, unease] | |
Physical discomfort (as mild sickness or depression)
بے آرامی۔ بے قراری۔ بے چینی۔ گھبراہٹ۔ |
3. uneasiness [ Synonyms: self-consciousness, uncomfortableness] | |
Embarrassment deriving from the feeling that others are critically aware of you
4. uneasiness [ Synonyms: disquiet, unease] | |
The trait of seeming ill at ease
5. uneasiness [ Synonyms: queasiness, restlessness] | |
Inability to rest or relax or be still
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