1. unspoken [ Synonyms: mute, tongueless, wordless] | |
Expressed without speech
"a mute appeal"; "a silent curse"; "best grief is tongueless"; "the words stopped at her lips unsounded"; "unspoken grief"; "choking exasperation and wordless shame";
بات کرنے سے قاصر۔ بن کہا۔ بے زبان۔ ان کہی۔ |
2. unspoken [ Synonyms: unexpressed, unsaid, unstated, unuttered, unverbalised, unverbalized, unvoiced] | |
Not made explicit
"the unexpressed terms of the agreement"; "things left unsaid"; "some kind of unspoken agreement"; "his action is clear but his reason remains unstated";
ان کہی ۔ |
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