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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
Wan Urdu meaning
Verb Forms: (Wan, wanned, wanningAdjectives: (wanner,wannest)

Adjective: Wan
1. Wan [ Synonyms: pale, pallid, sick]
(of light) lacking in intensity or brightness; dim or feeble
"the pale light of a half moon"; "a pale sun"; "the late afternoon light coming through the el tracks fell in pale oblongs on the street"; "a pallid sky"; "the pale (or wan) stars"; "the wan light of dawn";
کم روشنی۔
2. Wan [ Synonyms: pale, pallid]
Abnormally deficient in color as suggesting physical or emotional distress
"the pallid face of the invalid"; "her wan face suddenly flushed";
چہرے کی زردی۔
چہرے کی بے رونقی۔
3. Wan
Lacking vitality as from weariness or illness or unhappiness
"a wan smile";
بد قسمتی۔
Noun: Wan
1. Wan [ Synonyms: wide area network]
A computer network that spans a wider area than does a local area network
Verb: Wan
1. Wan
Become pale and sickly
بے رونق۔
بیمار ہونا۔

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December 26, 2024
- having made no legally valid will before death or not disposed of by a legal will
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