1. Wheeler [ Synonyms: sir mortimer wheeler, sir robert eric mortimer wheeler] | |
Scottish archaeologist (1890-1976)
2. Wheeler [ Synonyms: wheelwright] | |
Someone who makes and repairs wooden wheels
دو لاب ساز۔ پہیے بنانے والا۔ پہیہ ساز۔ |
3. Wheeler | |
The man at the outermost end of the rank in wheeling
4. Wheeler [ Synonyms: bicycler, bicyclist, biker, cyclist] | |
A person who rides a bicycle
سائیکل چلانے والا۔ سائیکل سوار۔ |
5. Wheeler [ Synonyms: wheel horse] | |
A draft horse harnessed behind others and nearest the wheels of a vehicle
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