1. wickedness [ Synonyms: evil, immorality, iniquity] | |
Morally objectionable behavior
بدکرداری۔ بد اعمالی۔ بد کاری۔ |
2. wickedness [ Synonyms: dark, darkness] | |
Absence of moral or spiritual values
"the powers of darkness";
3. wickedness [ Synonyms: nefariousness, ugliness, vileness] | |
The quality of being wicked
بدمعاشی۔ |
4. wickedness [ Synonyms: sin, sinfulness] | |
Estrangement from god
شیطانی۔ |
5. wickedness [ Synonyms: loathsomeness, lousiness, repulsiveness, sliminess, vileness] | |
The quality of being disgusting to the senses or emotions
"the vileness of his language surprised us";
بد ذوقی۔ ناگواریت۔ کراہیت۔ |
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