1. quiver [ Synonyms: chill, frisson, shiver, shudder, thrill, tingle] | |
An almost pleasurable sensation of fright
"a frisson of surprise shot through him";
۔ لرزش کا احساس ۔ |
2. quiver [ Synonyms: palpitation, quivering, shakiness, shaking, trembling, vibration] | |
A shaky motion
"the shaking of his fingers as he lit his pipe";
تھرتھرانا۔ لرزش۔ لرزنا۔ |
3. quiver | |
Case for holding arrows
4. quiver [ Synonyms: quivering, vibration] | |
The act of vibrating
لرزنے کا عمل۔ |
1. quiver [ Synonyms: palpitate, quake] | |
Shake with fast, tremulous movements
"His nostrils palpitated";
تھرتھرانا۔ ہلنا۔ |
2. quiver [ Synonyms: flicker, flitter, flutter, waver] | |
Move back and forth very rapidly
"the candle flickered";
۔ پھڑ پھڑانا ۔ |
3. quiver [ Synonyms: beat, pulsate] | |
Move with or as if with a regular alternating motion
"the city pulsated with music and excitement";
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