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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Noun: waver
1. waver
Someone who communicates by waving
ہاتھ ہلاکر ربط قائم کرنے والا۔
2. waver [ Synonyms: falter, faltering, hesitation]
The act of pausing uncertainly
"there was a hesitation in his speech";
3. waver [ Synonyms: flicker, flutter]
The act of moving back and forth
Verb: waver
1. waver [ Synonyms: hesitate, waffle]
Pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness
"Authorities hesitate to quote exact figures";
رک رک کر کام کرنا۔
2. waver [ Synonyms: falter]
Be unsure or weak
"Their enthusiasm is faltering";
متزلزل ہونا۔
کمزور پڑنا۔
3. waver [ Synonyms: falter]
Move hesitatingly, as if about to give way
4. waver [ Synonyms: fluctuate, vacillate]
Move or sway in a rising and falling or wavelike pattern
"the line on the monitor vacillated";
اوپر نیچے ہونا۔
5. waver [ Synonyms: flicker, flitter, flutter, quiver]
Move back and forth very rapidly
"the candle flickered";
ٹمٹمانا ۔
پھڑ پھڑانا ۔
6. waver [ Synonyms: weave]
Sway from side to side
7. waver [ Synonyms: quaver]
Give off unsteady sounds, alternating in amplitude or frequency

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ایک امریکی جو شمال میں رہتا ہے (خاص طور پر امریکی خانہ جنگی کے دوران)
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