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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
sound Urdu meaning

Adjective: sound
1. sound [ Synonyms: healthy, intelligent, level-headed, levelheaded]
Exercising or showing good judgment
"healthy scepticism"; "a healthy fear of rattlesnakes"; "the healthy attitude of French laws"; "healthy relations between labor and management"; "an intelligent solution"; "a sound approach to the problem"; "sound advice"; "no sound explanation for his decision";
دماغی طور پر متوازن۔
2. sound [ Synonyms: good]
In excellent physical condition
"good teeth"; "I still have one good leg"; "a sound mind in a sound body";
ٹھیک ٹھاک۔
3. sound [ Synonyms: reasoned, well-grounded]
Logically valid
"a sound argument";
منطقی طور پر درست۔
4. sound [ Synonyms: effectual, legal]
Having legal efficacy or force
"a sound title to the property";
5. sound
Vigorous or severe
"a sound thrashing";
6. sound
Free from moral defect
"a man of sound character";
7. sound [ Synonyms: heavy, profound, wakeless]
(of sleep) deep and complete
"a heavy sleep"; "fell into a profound sleep"; "a sound sleeper"; "deep wakeless sleep";
پکی نیند۔
گہری نیند۔
8. sound
Complete; thorough
"politicians have no sound grasp of technology issues"; "he has a sound understanding of the law";
9. sound
Financially secure and safe
"sound investments"; "a sound economy";
معاشی طور پر مستحکم۔
10. sound
In good condition; free from defect or damage or decay
"a sound timber"; "the wall is sound"; "a sound foundation";
اچھی حالت میں۔
Noun: sound
1. sound
The particular auditory effect produced by a given cause
"the sound of rain on the roof"; "the beautiful sound of music";
2. sound [ Synonyms: auditory sensation]
The subjective sensation of hearing something
"he strained to hear the faint sounds";
3. sound
Mechanical vibrations transmitted by an elastic medium
"falling trees make a sound in the forest even when no one is there to hear them";
4. sound
The sudden occurrence of an audible event
"the sound awakened them";
5. sound [ Synonyms: audio]
The audible part of a transmitted signal
"they always raise the audio for commercials";
سَمعی ۔ سُنی جا سَکنے والی صَوتی لہروں کی باز آفرينی ۔ نَشَرکاری اور وَصُولی سے مُتَعلِق۔
6. sound [ Synonyms: phone, speech sound]
(phonetics) an individual sound unit of speech without concern as to whether or not it is a phoneme of some language
7. sound [ Synonyms: strait]
A narrow channel of the sea joining two larger bodies of water
پانی کی ایک پتلی سی گزر گاہ۔
8. sound
A large ocean inlet or deep bay
"the main body of the sound ran parallel to the coast";
Verb: sound
1. sound
Appear in a certain way
"This sounds interesting";
محسوس ہونا۔
2. sound [ Synonyms: go]
Make a certain noise or sound
"She went `Mmmmm'"; "The gun went `bang'";
3. sound
Give off a certain sound or sounds
"This record sounds scratchy";
4. sound
Announce by means of a sound
"sound the alarm";
5. sound [ Synonyms: vocalise, vocalize, voice]
Utter with vibrating vocal chords
6. sound
Cause to sound
"sound the bell"; "sound a certain note";
7. sound [ Synonyms: fathom]
Measure the depth of (a body of water) with a sounding line
گہرائی ناپنا۔

Lexical Analysis


See Also:

Specific Words:
babble, bang, beat, beep, bell, birr, blare, bleep, blow, bombilate, bombilation, bombinate, bombination, bong, boom, boom out, bubble, burble, buzz, cackel, chatter, chime, chink, chirk, chirp, chirrup, chorus, chug, clang, clangor, clangour, clank, claxon, click, click-clack, clink, clip-clop, clippety-clop, clop, clopping, clump, clumping, clunk, clunking, consonant, crack, crash, cry, din, ding, dissonance, dissonate, drip, dripping, drone, drum, drum roll, drumbeat, dub, echo, euphony, footfall, footstep, gargle, glide, glug, gong, grumble, guggle, gurgle, honk, hum, jangle, jingle, knell, knock, knocking, lap, make noise, murmur, murmuration, murmuring, music, mussitation, mutter, muttering, narrow, noise, noisiness, orinasal, orinasal phone, paradiddle, pat, patter, peal, pealing, phoneme, pierce, ping, pink, pitter-patter, play, plunk, pop, popping, prepare, pure tone, purr, quack, quaver, racket, racketiness, rap, rataplan, rattle, resonate, resound, reverberate, ring, ringing, ripple, roll, rolling, rub-a-dub, rumble, rustle, semivowel, sigh, sing, skirl, slosh, slush, snap, snarl, sonant, song, speak, splash, splat, splosh, squelch, step, strum, susurration, susurrus, swish, swoosh, swosh, tap, tapping, throbbing, thrum, thud, thump, thumping, thunk, tick, ticking, ticktack, ticktock, ting, tink, tinkle, tintinnabulation, toll, tone, toot, tootle, trample, trampling, trump, twang, tweet, twirp, twitter, ultrasound, unison, vibrate, vibrato, voice, voiced sound, vowel, vowel sound, vroom, waver, whack, whir, whirr, whirring, whish, whistle, whistling, whiz, whizz, zing, zizz

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ایک پینٹنگ جس کا اطلاق دیوار کی سطح پر ہوتا ہے.
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