1. clump [ Synonyms: bunch, cluster, clustering] | |
A grouping of a number of similar things
"a bunch of trees"; "a cluster of admirers";
جھنڈ۔ خوشہ۔ ایک جیسی چیزوں کا گروہ۔ |
2. clump [ Synonyms: ball, chunk, clod, glob, lump] | |
A compact mass
"a ball of mud caught him on the shoulder";
ٹکڑا۔ ڈھیر۔ گومڑ۔ گلٹی۔ |
3. clump [ Synonyms: clunk, thud, thump, thumping] | |
A heavy dull sound (as made by impact of heavy objects)
اچانک دھماکا ۔۔ |
1. clump [ Synonyms: cluster, constellate, flock] | |
Come together as in a cluster or flock
"The poets constellate in this town every summer";
جمع ہونا۔ |
2. clump [ Synonyms: clomp] | |
Walk clumsily
بے ڈھنگے پن سے چلنا۔ بہک کر چلنا۔ |
3. clump [ Synonyms: bunch, bundle, cluster] | |
Gather or cause to gather into a cluster
"She bunched her fingers into a fist";
جمع کرنا۔ یکجا کرنا۔ |
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