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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
step Urdu meaning
step Urdu meaning
step Urdu meaning
step Urdu meaning
Verb Forms: (step, stepped, stepping)

Noun: step
1. step [ Synonyms: measure]
Any maneuver made as part of progress toward a goal
"the situation called for strong measures"; "the police took steps to reduce crime";
2. step [ Synonyms: footstep, pace, stride]
The distance covered by a step
"he stepped off ten paces from the old tree and began to dig";
چلنے میں رکھا جانے والا قدم۔
3. step
The act of changing location by raising the foot and setting it down
"he walked with unsteady steps";
4. step [ Synonyms: stair]
Support consisting of a place to rest the foot while ascending or descending a stairway
"he paused on the bottom step";
زینہ ۔
سیڑھی ۔
5. step [ Synonyms: gradation]
Relative position in a graded series
"always a step behind"; "subtle gradations in color"; "keep in step with the fashions";
مَراتَب یا مَدارَج کے لحاظ سے مُنَظّم تَرتیب ۔۔
6. step [ Synonyms: stone's throw]
A short distance
"it's only a step to the drugstore";
7. step [ Synonyms: footfall, footstep]
The sound of a step of someone walking
"he heard footsteps on the porch";
آواز پا قدم۔
8. step [ Synonyms: tone, whole step, whole tone]
A musical interval of two semitones
9. step [ Synonyms: footmark, footprint]
A mark of a foot or shoe on a surface
"the police made casts of the footprints in the soft earth outside the window";
پاوں کا نشان۔
10. step [ Synonyms: dance step]
A sequence of foot movements that make up a particular dance
"he taught them the waltz step";
Verb: step
1. step
Shift or move by taking a step
"step back";
قدم اٹھانا۔
2. step [ Synonyms: tread]
Put down or press the foot, place the foot
"For fools rush in where angels fear to tread"; "step on the brake";
قدم رکھنا۔
3. step
Cause (a computer) to execute a single command
4. step [ Synonyms: abuse, ill-treat, ill-use, maltreat, mistreat]
Treat badly
"This boss abuses his workers"; "She is always stepping on others to get ahead";
بری طرح پیش آنا ۔
بد سلوکی کرنا ۔
5. step
Furnish with steps
"The architect wants to step the terrace";
6. step
Walk a short distance to a specified place or in a specified manner
"step over to the blackboard";
7. step [ Synonyms: pace]
Measure (distances) by pacing
"step off ten yards";
8. step
Move or proceed as if by steps into a new situation
"She stepped into a life of luxury"; "he won't step into his father's footsteps";

Lexical Analysis

See Also:

Parts of step:

Step is a part of:

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