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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
Mark Urdu meaning

Noun: Mark
1. Mark [ Synonyms: marker, marking]
A distinguishing symbol
"the owner's mark was on all the sheep";
2. Mark [ Synonyms: target]
A reference point to shoot at
"his arrow hit the mark";
3. Mark [ Synonyms: print]
A visible indication made on a surface
"some previous reader had covered the pages with dozens of marks"; "paw prints were everywhere";
4. Mark
The impression created by doing something unusual or extraordinary that people notice and remember
"it was in London that he made his mark"; "he left an indelible mark on the American theater";
5. Mark [ Synonyms: brand, stain, stigma]
A symbol of disgrace or infamy
"And the Lord set a mark upon Cain";
کلنک کا ٹیکا۔
6. Mark [ Synonyms: deutsche mark, deutschmark, german mark]
Formerly the basic unit of money in Germany
7. Mark [ Synonyms: saint mark, st. mark]
Apostle and companion of Saint Peter; assumed to be the author of the second Gospel
8. Mark [ Synonyms: chump, fall guy, fool, gull, mug, patsy, soft touch, sucker]
A person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of
بے گناہ۔
جسے پاگل بنایا جا سکے۔
دہوکا کھا جانے والا۔
وہ شخص جس کو آسانی سے الو بنایا جاسکے۔
9. Mark
A written or printed symbol (as for punctuation)
"his answer was just a punctuation mark";
10. Mark [ Synonyms: sign]
A perceptible indication of something not immediately apparent (as a visible clue that something has happened)
"he showed signs of strain"; "they welcomed the signs of spring";
11. Mark [ Synonyms: gospel according to mark]
The shortest of the four Gospels in the New Testament
انجیل مرقس ۔
مرقس کی لکھی ہوئی انجیل۔
12. Mark [ Synonyms: scar, scrape, scratch]
An indication of damage
خطرے کا اشارہ۔
نقصان کا اشارہ۔
13. Mark [ Synonyms: crisscross, cross]
A marking that consists of lines that cross each other
غلط قرار دینے کا نشان۔
14. Mark [ Synonyms: bell ringer, bull's eye, home run]
Something that exactly succeeds in achieving its goal
"the new advertising campaign was a bell ringer"; "scored a bull's eye"; "hit the mark"; "the president's speech was a home run";
Verb: Mark
1. Mark [ Synonyms: label, tag]
Attach a tag or label to
"label these bottles";
لیبل لگانا۔
کسی چیز پر لیبل لگانا۔
2. Mark
Designate as if by a mark
"This sign marks the border";
3. Mark [ Synonyms: differentiate, distinguish]
Be a distinctive feature, attribute, or trait; sometimes in a very positive sense
"His modesty distinguishes him from his peers";
الگ کرنا۔
ممتاز کرنا۔
4. Mark [ Synonyms: commemorate]
Celebrate by some ceremony or observation
"The citizens mark the anniversary of the revolution with a march and a parade";
5. Mark
Make or leave a mark on
"the scouts marked the trail"; "ash marked the believers' foreheads";
نشان لگانا۔
6. Mark [ Synonyms: brand, denounce, stigmatise, stigmatize]
To accuse or condemn or openly or formally or brand as disgraceful
"He denounced the government action"; "She was stigmatized by society because she had a child out of wedlock";
داغنا ، ٹھپا لگانا ، کلنک کا ٹیکہ لگانا ، رُسواکُن فِقرے کا ہدف بنانا ، کرِشماتی داغ پیدا کر دینا۔
7. Mark [ Synonyms: note, notice]
Notice or perceive
"She noted that someone was following her"; "mark my words";
دھیان دینا۔
8. Mark [ Synonyms: pit, pock, scar]
Mark with a scar
"The skin disease scarred his face permanently";
زخم کا نشان۔
9. Mark [ Synonyms: nock, score]
Make small marks into the surface of
"score the clay before firing it";
نشان لگانا۔
10. Mark [ Synonyms: set]
Establish as the highest level or best performance
"set a record";
11. Mark [ Synonyms: score]
Make underscoring marks
12. Mark [ Synonyms: cross off, cross out, strike off, strike out]
Remove from a list
"Cross the name of the dead person off the list";
خارج کرنا۔
13. Mark [ Synonyms: check, check off, mark off, tick, tick off]
Put a check mark on or near or next to
"Please check each name on the list"; "tick off the items"; "mark off the units";
ٹک کا نشان۔
چیک کا نشان۔
14. Mark [ Synonyms: punctuate]
Insert punctuation marks into
وقف لگانا۔

Lexical Analysis


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بے سلیقہ,بے ترتیب
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