1. enter [ Synonyms: come in, get in, get into, go in, go into, move into] | |
To come or go into
"the boat entered an area of shallow marshes";
داخل ہونا۔ |
2. enter [ Synonyms: participate] | |
Become a participant; be involved in
"enter a race"; "enter an agreement"; "enter a drug treatment program"; "enter negotiations";
شامل ہونا۔ |
3. enter [ Synonyms: enrol, enroll, inscribe, recruit] | |
Register formally as a participant or member
"The party recruited many new members";
شامل کرنا۔ درج کرنا۔ فہرست میں اندراج کرنا۔ |
4. enter [ Synonyms: figure] | |
Be or play a part of or in
"Elections figure prominently in every government program"; "How do the elections figure in the current pattern of internal politics?";
5. enter [ Synonyms: put down, record] | |
Make a record of; set down in permanent form
6. enter | |
Come on stage
7. enter [ Synonyms: accede] | |
Take on duties or office
"accede to the throne";
تخت وتاج کاوارث بننا۔ |
8. enter [ Synonyms: infix, insert, introduce] | |
Put or introduce into something
"insert a picture into the text";
لگانا۔ نصب کرنا۔ ڈالنا۔ |
9. enter [ Synonyms: embark] | |
Set out on (an enterprise or subject of study)
"she embarked upon a new career";
نیا کام شروع کرنا۔ |
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