1. inscribe [ Synonyms: engrave, grave, scratch] | |
Carve, cut, or etch into a material or surface
"engrave a pen"; "engraved the trophy cup with the winner's name"; "the lovers scratched their names into the bark of the tree";
نقش کرنا۔ کندہ کرنا۔ |
2. inscribe [ Synonyms: enrol, enroll, enter, recruit] | |
Register formally as a participant or member
"The party recruited many new members";
شامل کرنا۔ درج کرنا۔ فہرست میں اندراج کرنا۔ |
3. inscribe | |
Draw within a figure so as to touch in as many places as possible
4. inscribe | |
Write, engrave, or print as a lasting record
دیرپا چیز پر نقش کرنا۔ |
5. inscribe [ Synonyms: cipher, code, cypher, encipher, encrypt, write in code] | |
Convert ordinary language into code
"We should encode the message for security reasons";
عام زبان کو خفیہ الفاظ میں تبدیل کرنا۔ خفیہ انداز میں تحریر کرنا۔ خفیہ کرنا۔ |
6. inscribe | |
Address, (a work of literature) in a style less formal than a dedication
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