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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Verb: maintain
1. maintain [ Synonyms: conserve, keep up, preserve]
Keep in safety and protect from harm, decay, loss, or destruction
"We preserve these archeological findings"; "The old lady could not keep up the building"; "children must be taught to conserve our national heritage"; "The museum curator conserved the ancient manuscripts";
حفاظت کرنا۔
محفوظ رکھنا۔
2. maintain [ Synonyms: keep, sustain]
Supply with necessities and support
"She alone sustained her family"; "The money will sustain our good cause"; "There's little to earn and many to keep";
کفالت کرنا۔
3. maintain [ Synonyms: assert, asseverate]
State categorically
وثوق سے کہنا۔
4. maintain [ Synonyms: exert, wield]
Have and exercise
"wield power and authority";
بروئے کار لانا۔
استعمال کرنا۔
5. maintain [ Synonyms: keep]
Maintain for use and service
"I keep a car in the countryside"; "She keeps an apartment in Paris for her shopping trips";
استعمال کے قابل رکھنا۔
6. maintain [ Synonyms: keep]
Maintain by writing regular records
"keep a diary"; "maintain a record"; "keep notes";
7. maintain [ Synonyms: defend]
State or assert
"He maintained his innocence";
8. maintain [ Synonyms: uphold]
Support against an opponent
"The appellate court upheld the verdict";
9. maintain [ Synonyms: keep, observe]
Stick to correctly or closely
"The pianist kept time with the metronome"; "keep count"; "I cannot keep track of all my employees";
نظر رکھنا۔

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December 22, 2024
- place side by side
برابر برابر رکھنا
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