1. savage [ Synonyms: barbarous, brutal, cruel, fell, roughshod, vicious] | |
(of persons or their actions) able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering
"a barbarous crime"; "brutal beatings"; "cruel tortures"; "Stalin's roughshod treatment of the kulaks"; "a savage slap"; "vicious kicks";
ظالمانہ۔ وحشت ناک۔ |
2. savage [ Synonyms: feral, ferine] | |
Wild and menacing
"a pack of feral dogs";
مردے کے متعلق ۔ جان ليوا ۔ مہلک۔ |
3. savage [ Synonyms: barbarian, barbaric, uncivilised, uncivilized, wild] | |
Without civilizing influences
"barbarian invaders"; "barbaric practices"; "a savage people"; "fighting is crude and uncivilized especially if the weapons are efficient"; "wild tribes";
غیر مہذب۔ جنگلی۔ وحشی۔ |
4. savage [ Synonyms: ferocious, fierce, furious] | |
Marked by extreme and violent energy
"a ferocious beating"; "fierce fighting"; "a furious battle";
غضبناک سنگ دلی خطرناک خونخوار وحشی نہایت غصے میں۔ |
1. savage [ Synonyms: barbarian] | |
A member of an uncivilized people
جنگلی۔ وحشی۔ |
2. savage [ Synonyms: beast, brute, wildcat, wolf] | |
A cruelly rapacious person
۔ درندہ صفت انسان ۔ وحشی ۔ |
1. savage | |
Attack brutally and fiercely
2. savage [ Synonyms: blast, crucify, pillory] | |
Criticize harshly or violently
"The press savaged the new President"; "The critics crucified the author for plagiarizing a famous passage";
سخت تنقید کرنا۔ تنقید کرنا۔ |
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