1. blast | |
A very long fly ball
2. blast [ Synonyms: bam, bang, clap, eruption] | |
A sudden very loud noise
زور دار آواز
۔ دھماکہ ۔ |
3. blast [ Synonyms: blow, gust] | |
A strong current of air
"the tree was bent almost double by the gust";
جھکڑ۔ آندھی۔ |
4. blast | |
An explosion (as of dynamite)
5. blast [ Synonyms: good time] | |
A highly pleasurable or exciting experience
"we had a good time at the party"; "celebrating after the game was a blast";
6. blast [ Synonyms: attack, fire, flack, flak] | |
Intense adverse criticism
"Clinton directed his fire at the Republican Party"; "the government has come under attack"; "don't give me any flak";
سخت تنقید۔ |
1. blast [ Synonyms: blare] | |
Make a strident sound
"She tended to blast when speaking into a microphone";
تيز آواز پيدا کرنا
۔ چلانا ۔ |
2. blast [ Synonyms: boom, nail, smash] | |
Hit hard
"He smashed a 3-run homer";
3. blast [ Synonyms: shell] | |
Use explosives on
"The enemy has been shelling us all day";
بم برسانا۔ گولا مارنا۔ |
4. blast | |
Apply a draft or strong wind to to
"the air conditioning was blasting cold air at us";
5. blast [ Synonyms: shell] | |
Create by using explosives
"blast a passage through the mountain";
دھماکے سے اڑانا۔ |
6. blast | |
Make with or as if with an explosion
"blast a tunnel through the Alps";
7. blast [ Synonyms: shoot] | |
Fire a shot
"the gunman blasted away";
گولی مارنا۔ گولی چلانا۔ |
8. blast [ Synonyms: crucify, pillory, savage] | |
Criticize harshly or violently
"The press savaged the new President"; "The critics crucified the author for plagiarizing a famous passage";
سخت تنقید کرنا۔ تنقید کرنا۔ |
9. blast [ Synonyms: knock down] | |
Shatter as if by explosion
10. blast | |
Shrivel or wither or mature imperfectly
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