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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
discharge Urdu meaning

Noun: discharge
1. discharge
The sudden giving off of energy
2. discharge [ Synonyms: venting]
The act of venting
3. discharge [ Synonyms: emission]
A substance that is emitted or released
4. discharge [ Synonyms: emission, expelling]
Any of several bodily processes by which substances go out of the body
"the discharge of pus";
خروج منی۔
5. discharge [ Synonyms: arc, electric arc, electric discharge, spark]
Electrical conduction through a gas in an applied electric field
6. discharge [ Synonyms: outpouring, run]
The pouring forth of a fluid
7. discharge [ Synonyms: release, waiver]
A formal written statement of relinquishment
نامہ دستبرداری۔
8. discharge [ Synonyms: firing, firing off]
The act of discharging a gun
Verb: discharge
1. discharge [ Synonyms: complete, dispatch]
Complete or carry out
"discharge one's duties";
2. discharge
Pour forth or release
"discharge liquids";
3. discharge [ Synonyms: free]
Free from obligations or duties
برطرف کرنا۔
4. discharge
Remove the charge from
5. discharge [ Synonyms: fire, go off]
Go off or discharge
"The gun fired";
6. discharge [ Synonyms: acquit, assoil, clear, exculpate, exonerate]
Pronounce not guilty of criminal charges
"The suspect was cleared of the murder charges";
رہا کرنا۔
بری کرنا۔
بے گناہ ٹھہرانا۔
الزام سے بری کر دینا۔
کسی الزام سے بری کرنا۔
7. discharge [ Synonyms: eject, exhaust, expel, release]
Eliminate (a substance)
"combustion products are exhausted in the engine"; "the plant releases a gas";
خارج کرنا۔
8. discharge [ Synonyms: drop, drop off, put down, set down, unload]
Remove (cargo, people, etc.) from and leave
"unload the cargo"; "drop off the passengers at the hotel";
9. discharge [ Synonyms: fire]
Cause to go off
"fire a gun"; "fire a bullet";
10. discharge [ Synonyms: muster out]
Release from military service
11. discharge [ Synonyms: empty]
Become empty or void of its content
"The room emptied";
خالی کرنا۔

Lexical Analysis


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March 25, 2025
- keep from happening or arising; make impossible
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