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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:

squeeze out

(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Verb: squeeze out
1. squeeze out
Force out
"Some employees were squeezed out by the recent budget cuts";
2. squeeze out [ Synonyms: eke out]
Make by laborious and precarious means
"He eked out a living as a painter";
3. squeeze out [ Synonyms: wring out]
Extract (liquid) by squeezing or pressing
"wring out the washcloth";
4. squeeze out [ Synonyms: eke out]
Obtain with difficulty
"He eked out some information from the archives";
5. squeeze out [ Synonyms: extrude]
Form or shape by forcing through an opening
"extrude steel";
نِکال پھینکنا ، نِکال باہِر کرنا ، کِسی سوراخ سے کِسی مائع شے مثلاً پِگھلی ہوئی دھات یا پِگھلے ہوۓ لوہے کو باہِر نِکال کر سُلاخیں بنانا ، نِکال پھينکنا ، نِکال باہِر کرنا ، دَھکّا دے کر نِکال دينا ،۔
6. squeeze out [ Synonyms: eject, force out, squirt]
Cause to come out in a squirt
"the boy squirted water at his little sister";
پچکاری مارنا۔

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