1. stuff [ Synonyms: material] | |
The tangible substance that goes into the makeup of a physical object
"coal is a hard black material"; "wheat is the stuff they use to make bread";
مواد۔ کوئی مادی شئے۔ |
2. stuff | |
Miscellaneous unspecified objects
"the trunk was full of stuff";
چیزیں۔ |
3. stuff [ Synonyms: clobber] | |
Informal terms for personal possessions
"did you take all your clobber?";
4. stuff [ Synonyms: hooey, poppycock, stuff and nonsense] | |
Senseless talk
"don't give me that stuff";
۔ بے تکی باتیں ۔ فضول گفتگو ۔ |
5. stuff | |
Unspecified qualities required to do or be something
"the stuff of heros"; "you don't have the stuff to be a United States Marine";
6. stuff | |
Information in some unspecified form
"it was stuff I had heard before"; "there's good stuff in that book";
7. stuff | |
A critically important or characteristic component
"suspense is the very stuff of narrative";
1. stuff | |
Cram into a cavity
"The child stuffed candy into his pockets";
2. stuff [ Synonyms: shove, squeeze, thrust] | |
Press or force
"Stuff money into an envelope"; "She thrust the letter into his hand";
3. stuff [ Synonyms: block, choke up, lug] | |
"My nose is all stuffed"; "Her arteries are blocked";
بند کرنا۔ بند ہونا۔ |
4. stuff [ Synonyms: binge, englut, engorge, glut, gorge, gormandise, gormandize, gourmandize, ingurgitate, overeat, overgorge, overindulge, pig out, satiate, scarf out] | |
Overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself
"She stuffed herself at the dinner"; "The kids binged on ice cream";
زیادہ پیٹ بھر لینا۔ زیادہ کھانا۔ ضرورت سے زیادہ کھانا۔ بہت کھلانا۔ جلدی جلدی کھانا۔ ٹہونسنا۔ نگلنا۔ ہڑپنا۔ ہڑپ کر نا۔ |
5. stuff | |
Treat with grease, fill, and prepare for mounting
"stuff a bearskin";
6. stuff | |
Fill tightly with a material
"stuff a pillow with feathers";
بھرنا۔ |
7. stuff [ Synonyms: farce] | |
Fill with a stuffing while cooking
"Have you stuffed the turkey yet?";
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