1. fill out [ Synonyms: complete, fill in, make out] | |
Write all the required information onto a form
"fill out this questionnaire, please!"; "make out a form";
بھرنا۔ |
2. fill out [ Synonyms: round out] | |
Make bigger or better or more complete
3. fill out [ Synonyms: eke out] | |
Supplement what is thought to be deficient
"He eked out his meager pay by giving private lessons"; "Braque eked out his collages with charcoal";
4. fill out [ Synonyms: pad] | |
Line or stuff with soft material
"pad a bra";
5. fill out [ Synonyms: fat, fatten, fatten out, fatten up, flesh out, plump, plump out] | |
Make fat or plump
"We will plump out that poor starving child";
موٹا کرنا۔ |
6. fill out [ Synonyms: flesh out, round] | |
Become round, plump, or shapely
"The young woman is fleshing out";
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