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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
mineral Urdu meaning

Adjective: mineral
1. mineral
Composed of matter other than plant or animal
"the inorganic mineral world";
2. mineral
Relating to minerals
"mineral elements"; "mineral deposits";
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Noun: mineral
1. mineral
Solid homogeneous inorganic substances occurring in nature having a definite chemical composition

Lexical Analysis

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Specific Words:
ader wax, amblygonite, amphibole, amphibole group, apatite, aragonite, argentite, argyrodite, arsenopyrite, asphalt, augite, baddeleyite, barite, barium sulphate, barytes, bastnaesite, bastnasite, bauxite, beryl, bitter spar, blende, borax, bornite, cadmium sulphide, calamine, carnallite, cassiterite, celestite, cerussite, chalcocite, chalcopyrite, chlorite, chromite, chrysoberyl, cinnabar, cobalt bloom, cobaltite, coltan, columbite, columbite-tantalite, copper glance, copper pyrites, cordierite, corundom, corundum, cristobalite, crocolite, cryolite, cuprite, cyanite, dolomite, earth color, earth wax, emery, erythrite, fergusonite, fluor, fluorite, fluorspar, fool's gold, gadolinite, galena, garnet, garnierite, germanite, gibbsite, glauconite, graphic tellurium, green lead ore, greenland spar, greenockite, gypsum, halite, hausmannite, heavy spar, hemimorphite, idocrase, ilmenite, iridosmine, iron manganese tungsten, iron pyrite, isinglass, jadeite, kainite, kaolinite, kernite, kieserite, kyanite, langbeinite, magnesia, magnesite, magnesium oxide, magnetic pyrites, malachite, maltha, manganite, meerschaum, mica, millerite, mineral pitch, mineral tar, mineral wax, mispickel, molybdenite, monazite, nepheline, nephelinite, nephelite, niobite, nitrocalcite, olivenite, olivine, opal, ore, orpiment, osmiridium, ozocerite, ozokerite, peacock ore, pentlandite, periclase, pinite, pollucite, psilomelane, pyrite, pyrolusite, pyromorphite, pyrophyllite, pyroxene, pyrrhotine, pyrrhotite, quartz, realgar, red clay, rhodochrosite, rhodonite, rock salt, rutile, samarskite, sapphirine, scheelite, sepiolite, smaltite, sodalite, spar, sphalerite, spinel, spodumene, stannite, stibnite, strontianite, sylvanite, sylvine, sylvite, talc, talcum, tantalite, thorite, thortveitite, tin pyrites, topaz, tourmaline, tridymite, turquoise, vanadinite, vermiculite, vesuvian, vesuvianite, white lead ore, wolframite, wollastonite, wulfenite, wurtzite, xenotime, ytterbite, zeolite, zinc blende, zinkenite, zircon, zirconium silicate

Word of the day

March 15, 2025
- spontaneously derived from or prompted by a natural tendency
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