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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Noun: slang
1. slang [ Synonyms: slang expression, slang term]
Informal language consisting of words and expressions that are not considered appropriate for formal occasions; often vituperative or vulgar
"their speech was full of slang expressions";
چوروں اور بد معاشوں کی بولی ۔ بازاری بولی ۔ ملّاحی زبان ۔ گالی ۔۔
2. slang [ Synonyms: argot, cant, jargon, lingo, patois, vernacular]
A characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves)
"they don't speak our lingo";
عوامی بولی۔
بازاری زبان۔
بول چال۔
خفیہ زبان۔
چوروں کی خاص زبان۔
Verb: slang
1. slang
Use slang or vulgar language
2. slang [ Synonyms: befool, cod, dupe, fool, gull, put on, put one across, put one over, take in]
Fool or hoax
"The immigrant was duped because he trusted everyone"; "You can't fool me!";
بیوقوف بنانا ۔
الو بنانا ۔
3. slang
Abuse with coarse language

Lexical Analysis

Derived Words:

Trade Names:

Trade Names:
'hood, airhead, applesauce, arse, arsehole, ass, asshole, bad egg, baloney, bay window, besotted, big bucks, big money, bilgewater, bitch, bite, blind drunk, blotto, blowjob, boche, boffin, boloney, bolshy, bosh, bun-fight, bundle, bunfight, bunghole, bunk off, burnup, butch, buy it, caff, can-do, cert, chinaman, chink, chuck, clean, cock sucking, cockeyed, codswallop, corker, corporation, crocked, dago, deck, dekko, dibs, dike, ditch, dreck, drool, drop-dead, dyke, feel, folderol, freaky, fuck, fucking, fuddled, gat, ginzo, give, good egg, greaseball, grotty, guinea, guvnor, hand job, heebie-jeebies, heist, honkey, honkie, honky, hood, hooey, hoof, humbug, hun, hymie, injun, jacking off, jap, jerking off, jerry, jitters, juice, key, kike, kraut, krauthead, legs, loaded, mean, megabucks, mickey finn, nick, niff, nip, nookie, nooky, nosh-up, old man, out-and-outer, pie-eyed, piece of ass, piece of tail, pile, pint-size, pint-sized, pip out, pissed, pixilated, plastered, play hooky, plum, plumb, pong, poor white trash, poppycock, pot, potbelly, power trip, red man, redskin, rip-off, rod, roll in the hay, rubbish, runty, sawed-off, sawn-off, schlock, schlockmeister, screaming meemies, screw, screwing, shag, shakedown, sheeny, shlock, shlockmeister, shtup, skin flick, skinful, slam-bang, slopped, sloshed, smashed, soaked, some, soup-strainer, soused, sozzled, spic, spick, spik, square, square-bashing, squeeze, squiffy, stiff, straight, stroppy, stuff, stuff and nonsense, suit, swiz, taradiddle, tarradiddle, the shits, the trots, tight, tommyrot, toothbrush, tosh, trash, tripe, tripper, trumpery, tummy, twaddle, uncool, wank, wet, white trash, whitey, wish-wash, wog, wop, yid

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March 23, 2025
- something of sentimental value
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