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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
ditch Urdu meaning
ditch Urdu meaning
ditch Urdu meaning

Noun: ditch
1. ditch
A long narrow excavation in the earth
خندق ۔
کھائی ۔
کھڈا ۔
2. ditch
Any small natural waterway
Verb: ditch
1. ditch
"ditch a lover";
2. ditch [ Synonyms: chuck]
Throw away
"Chuck these old notes";
3. ditch [ Synonyms: dump]
Sever all ties with, usually unceremoniously or irresponsibly
"The company dumped him after many years of service"; "She dumped her boyfriend when she fell in love with a rich man";
4. ditch
Make an emergency landing on water
ہنگامی طور پر پانی، سمندر وغیرہ پر اترنا ۔
5. ditch
Crash or crash-land
"ditch a car"; "ditch a plane";
ہنگامی طور پر اترنا۔
6. ditch [ Synonyms: trench]
Cut a trench in, as for drainage
"ditch the land to drain it"; "trench the fields";

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