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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
crash Urdu meaning
crash Urdu meaning
crash Urdu meaning

Noun: crash
1. crash [ Synonyms: clang, clangor, clangoring, clangour, clank, clash]
A loud resonant repeating noise
"he could hear the clang of distant bells";
بجنے کی آواز۔
2. crash [ Synonyms: wreck]
A serious accident (usually involving one or more vehicles)
"they are still investigating the crash of the TWA plane";
3. crash [ Synonyms: collapse]
A sudden large decline of business or the prices of stocks (especially one that causes additional failures)
حصص بازار میں گراوٹ۔
4. crash [ Synonyms: smash]
The act of colliding with something
"his crash through the window"; "the fullback's smash into the defensive line";
5. crash
(computer science) an event that causes a computer system to become inoperative
"the crash occurred during a thunderstorm and the system has been down ever since";
Verb: crash
1. crash
Fall or come down violently
"The branch crashed down on my car"; "The plane crashed in the sea";
2. crash
Move with, or as if with, a crashing noise
"The car crashed through the glass door";
3. crash [ Synonyms: ram]
Undergo damage or destruction on impact
"the plane crashed into the ocean"; "The car crashed into the lamp post";
4. crash
Move violently as through a barrier
"The terrorists crashed the gate";
5. crash [ Synonyms: break apart, break up]
Break violently or noisily; smash
6. crash
Occupy, usually uninvited
"My son's friends crashed our house last weekend";
بن بلائے آجانا۔
7. crash
Make a sudden loud sound
"the waves crashed on the shore and kept us awake all night";
8. crash [ Synonyms: barge in, gate-crash]
Enter uninvited; informal
"let's crash the party!";
بن بلائے آجانا ۔
بن بلائے گھس جانا ۔
9. crash
Cause to crash
"The terrorists crashed the plane into the palace"; "Mother crashed the motorbike into the lamppost";
10. crash [ Synonyms: dash]
Hurl or thrust violently
"He dashed the plate against the wall"; "Waves were dashing against the rock";
11. crash
Undergo a sudden and severe downturn
"the economy crashed"; "will the stock market crash again?";
12. crash [ Synonyms: go down]
Stop operating
"My computer crashed last night"; "The system goes down at least once a week";
چلتے چلتے رک جانا۔
13. crash [ Synonyms: doss, doss down]
Sleep in a convenient place
"You can crash here, though it's not very comfortable";

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