1. dash [ Synonyms: elan, flair, panache, style] | |
Distinctive and stylish elegance
"he wooed her with the confident dash of a cavalry officer";
پروں کی بنی ہوئی کلغی۔ |
2. dash [ Synonyms: sprint] | |
A quick run
دوڑ۔ |
3. dash | |
A footrace run at top speed
"he is preparing for the 100-yard dash";
4. dash [ Synonyms: hyphen] | |
A punctuation mark (-) used between parts of a compound word or between the syllables of a word when the word is divided at the end of a line of text
نشان ربط۔ |
5. dash [ Synonyms: dah] | |
The longer of the two telegraphic signals used in Morse code
6. dash [ Synonyms: bolt] | |
The act of moving with great haste
"he made a dash for the door";
1. dash [ Synonyms: dart, flash, scoot, scud, shoot] | |
Run or move very quickly or hastily
"She dashed into the yard";
تیزی سے دوڑنا ۔ |
2. dash [ Synonyms: smash] | |
Break into pieces, as by striking or knocking over
"Smash a plate";
ٹکڑے ٹکڑے کر دینا۔ پاش پاش کرنا۔ |
3. dash [ Synonyms: crash] | |
Hurl or thrust violently
"He dashed the plate against the wall"; "Waves were dashing against the rock";
مارنا۔ |
4. dash | |
Destroy or break
"dashed ambitions and hopes";
توڑنا۔ |
5. dash [ Synonyms: daunt, frighten away, frighten off, pall, scare, scare away, scare off] | |
Cause to lose courage
"dashed by the refusal";
حوصلہ پست پڑ جانا
۔ ہمت ہارنا ۔ |
6. dash | |
Add an enlivening or altering element to
"blue paint dashed with white";
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