1. plunge [ Synonyms: dip] | |
A brief swim in water
ڈبکی۔ |
2. plunge | |
A steep and rapid fall
غوطہ۔ |
1. plunge [ Synonyms: immerse] | |
Thrust or throw into
"Immerse yourself in hot water";
غرق کرنا۔ ڈبونا۔ |
2. plunge [ Synonyms: dive, plunk] | |
Drop steeply
"the stock market plunged";
گرنا۔ |
3. plunge | |
Dash violently or with great speed or impetuosity
"She plunged at it eagerly";
4. plunge [ Synonyms: launch] | |
Begin with vigor
"He launched into a long diatribe"; "She plunged into a dangerous adventure";
5. plunge [ Synonyms: immerse] | |
Cause to be immersed
"The professor plunged his students into the study of the Italian text";
6. plunge [ Synonyms: dump] | |
Fall abruptly
"It plunged to the bottom of the well";
7. plunge [ Synonyms: dip, douse, dunk, souse] | |
Immerse briefly into a liquid so as to wet, coat, or saturate
"dip the garment into the cleaning solution"; "dip the brush into the paint";
بھگونا۔ پانی میں ڈالنا۔ ڈبونا۔ ڈالنا۔ |
8. plunge [ Synonyms: absorb, engross, engulf, immerse, soak up, steep] | |
Devote (oneself) fully to
"He immersed himself into his studies";
وقف کرنا۔ وقف کر دینا۔ |
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