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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
soak Urdu meaning

Noun: soak
1. soak [ Synonyms: soakage, soaking]
The process of becoming softened and saturated as a consequence of being immersed in water (or other liquid)
"a good soak put life back in the wagon";
2. soak [ Synonyms: soaking]
Washing something by allowing it to soak
Verb: soak
1. soak
Submerge in a liquid
"I soaked in the hot tub for an hour";
پانی میں ڈالنا۔
2. soak [ Synonyms: fleece, gazump, hook, overcharge, pluck, plume, rob, surcharge]
Rip off; ask an unreasonable price
غیر مُنا سب قیمت کا کہنا۔
3. soak [ Synonyms: douse, dowse, drench, sop, souse]
Cover with liquid; pour liquid onto
"souse water on his hot face";
تر بہ تر کرنا۔
تر کرنا۔
پانی ڈالنا۔
4. soak [ Synonyms: hock, pawn]
Leave as a guarantee in return for money
"pawn your grandfather's gold watch";
گروی رکہوانا۔
5. soak
Beat severely
6. soak [ Synonyms: inebriate, intoxicate]
Make drunk (with alcoholic drinks)
شراب پلانا۔
نشہ پیدا کرنا۔
7. soak [ Synonyms: hit it up, inebriate, souse]
Become drunk or drink excessively
8. soak [ Synonyms: imbue]
Fill, soak, or imbue totally
"soak the bandage with disinfectant";
بھگونا ۔
9. soak
Heat a metal prior to working it

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فراغ دلانہ
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