1. soaking [ Synonyms: soak, soakage] | |
The process of becoming softened and saturated as a consequence of being immersed in water (or other liquid)
"a good soak put life back in the wagon";
2. soaking [ Synonyms: drenching, souse, sousing] | |
The act of making something completely wet
"he gave it a good drenching";
شرابور کر دینا۔ |
3. soaking [ Synonyms: soak] | |
Washing something by allowing it to soak
1. soaking [ Synonyms: dripping, sopping] | |
Extremely wet
"dripping wet"; "soaking wet";
شرابور۔ بھیگا ہوا۔ بہت گیلا۔ |
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