1. launch | |
A motorboat with an open deck or a half deck
سمندری جہاز نما
۔ ایک قسم کی کشتی ۔ |
2. launch [ Synonyms: launching] | |
The act of propelling with force
طاقت سے چلانے کا عمل ۔ |
1. launch [ Synonyms: establish, found, set up] | |
Set up or found
"She set up a literacy program";
بنیاد ڈالنا
۔ جمانا ۔ قائم کرنا ۔ |
2. launch | |
Propel with force
"launch the space shuttle"; "Launch a ship";
اڑانا۔ چلانا۔ |
3. launch | |
Launch for the first time; launch on a maiden voyage
"launch a ship";
4. launch [ Synonyms: plunge] | |
Begin with vigor
"He launched into a long diatribe"; "She plunged into a dangerous adventure";
5. launch [ Synonyms: set in motion] | |
Get going; give impetus to
"launch a career"; "Her actions set in motion a complicated judicial process";
6. launch | |
Smoothen the surface of
"launch plaster";
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