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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:

set up

(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Verb: set up
1. set up [ Synonyms: establish, found, launch]
Set up or found
"She set up a literacy program";
بنیاد ڈالنا ۔
جمانا ۔
قائم کرنا ۔
2. set up [ Synonyms: assemble, piece, put together, tack, tack together]
Create by putting components or members together
"She pieced a quilt"; "He tacked together some verses"; "They set up a committee";
تشکیل دینا۔
جیسے پارٹی وغیرہ بنانا۔
3. set up [ Synonyms: erect, put up, raise, rear]
Construct, build, or erect
"Raise a barn";
تعمیر کرنا۔
قائم کرنا۔
4. set up [ Synonyms: lay out, set]
Get ready for a particular purpose or event
"set up an experiment"; "set the table"; "lay out the tools for the surgery";
تیار کرنا۔
5. set up [ Synonyms: arrange]
Put into a proper or systematic order
"arrange the books on the shelves in chronological order";
ترتیب دینا۔
6. set up
Begin, or enable someone else to begin, a venture by providing the means, logistics, etc.
"set up an election";
7. set up [ Synonyms: ensnare, entrap, frame]
Take or catch as if in a snare or trap
"I was set up!"; "The innocent man was framed by the police";
دہوکے سے الجھا لینا۔
8. set up [ Synonyms: effect, effectuate]
"The scientists set up a shock wave";
بروۓ کار لانا۔
حاصل کرنا۔
پورا کرنا۔
9. set up [ Synonyms: instal, install, put in]
Set up for use
"install the washer and dryer"; "We put in a new sink";
نصب کرنا۔
10. set up [ Synonyms: establish, instal, install]
"Her manager had set her up at the Ritz";
مقرر کرنا۔
11. set up [ Synonyms: rig]
Arrange the outcome of by means of deceit
"rig an election";
دھاندلی کرنا۔
نتیجہ گھڑنا۔
12. set up [ Synonyms: pitch]
Erect and fasten
"pitch a tent";
کھڑا کرنا۔
13. set up [ Synonyms: arrange, order, put]
Arrange thoughts, ideas, temporal events
"arrange my schedule"; "set up one's life"; "I put these memories with those of bygone times";
14. set up [ Synonyms: rig, set]
Equip with sails or masts
"rig a ship";
بادبان لگانا۔
15. set up [ Synonyms: fix, gear up, prepare, ready, set]
Make ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particular purpose or for some use, event, etc
"Get the children ready for school!"; "prepare for war"; "I was fixing to leave town after I paid the hotel bill";
تیار کرنا ۔

Lexical Analysis

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