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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Noun: assemblage
1. assemblage [ Synonyms: gathering]
A group of persons together in one place
لوگوں کی بھیڑ۔
2. assemblage [ Synonyms: hookup]
A system of components assembled together for a particular purpose
3. assemblage [ Synonyms: assembly, gathering]
The social act of assembling
"they demanded the right of assembly";
4. assemblage [ Synonyms: accumulation, aggregation, collection]
Several things grouped together or considered as a whole

Lexical Analysis

Derived Words:


Specific Words:
agglomerate, agglomeration, air power, ana, armamentarium, art collection, asia, assembly, assortment, audience, aviation, backlog, batch, battery, bevy, biology, biota, block, book, botany, bottle collection, building, bunch, bundle, caboodle, calling together, camp, carload, cast, cast of characters, category, central america, class, clutch, coin collection, collage, combination, coming together, commune, community, concentration, concourse, congregating, congregation, congress, content, contents, contingent, convening, convention, convocation, convoy, corpus, cortege, course, covey, crew, crop, crowd, cumulation, cumulus, data, deal, defence, defense, defense lawyers, defense team, dramatis personae, eightsome, ensemble, entourage, europe, exhibition, expo, exposition, extragalactic nebula, fair, family, fauna, findings, fivesome, flagging, fleet, flinders, floor, flora, form, foursome, free world, gaap, galaxy, gang, generally accepted accounting principles, gimmickry, grade, group meeting, hand, heap, herbarium, hit parade, information, job lot, judaica, jurisprudence, kludge, law, library, long suit, lot, mail, mass, mass meeting, meeting, menagerie, miscellanea, miscellany, mixed bag, mixture, mobilisation, mobilization, motley, mound, multitude, municipality, muster, mythology, north america, nuclear club, octet, octette, oort cloud, pack, package, packet, pair, pantheon, parcel, petting zoo, pharmacopoeia, pile, planting, population, post, potpourri, procession, program library, prosecution, quartet, quartette, quintet, quintette, quorum, rally, rap group, rave-up, repertoire, repertory, retinue, rogue's gallery, room, rule book, salmagundi, septet, septette, set, sevensome, sextet, sextette, signage, sixsome, smithereens, smorgasbord, social affair, social gathering, south america, stamp collection, statuary, string, subroutine library, suite, sum, sum total, summation, table, tenantry, third world, threesome, throng, tout ensemble, traffic, treasure, treasure trove, triad, trinity, trinketry, trio, troponomy, troponymy, turnout, universe, variety, vegetation, victoriana, wardrobe, wine tasting, year, zoology

Word of the day

April 28, 2024
- draw out a discussion or process in order to gain time
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