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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
room Urdu meaning

Noun: room
1. room
An area within a building enclosed by walls and floor and ceiling
"the rooms were very small but they had a nice view";
2. room [ Synonyms: elbow room, way]
Space for movement
"room to pass"; "make way for"; "hardly enough elbow room to turn around";
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3. room
Opportunity for
"room for improvement";
4. room
The people who are present in a room
"the whole room was cheering";

Lexical Analysis

Derived Words:

Specific Words:
anechoic chamber, antechamber, anteroom, art gallery, back room, ballroom, bar, barroom, bathroom, bedchamber, bedroom, belfry, billiard hall, billiard parlor, billiard parlour, billiard room, billiard saloon, boardroom, breathing room, breathing space, can, cardroom, cell, chamber, checkroom, classroom, clean room, clearance, cloakroom, closet, clubroom, coatroom, compartment, conference room, control room, council chamber, court, courtroom, cubby, cubbyhole, cubicle, cutting room, dance hall, dance palace, darkroom, den, dinette, dining room, dining-room, door, dressing room, durbar, engine room, engineering, entrance hall, floor, foyer, front room, furnace room, gallery, ginmill, greenroom, guardroom, hall, headroom, headway, hospital room, houseroom, jail cell, john, kitchen, lav, lavatory, lebensraum, left-luggage office, library, living room, living space, living-room, lobby, locker room, lounge, manor hall, parking, parlor, parlour, picture gallery, poolroom, presence chamber, prison cell, privy, rathole, reading room, rec room, reception room, recreation room, rotunda, sacristy, saloon, schoolroom, scriptorium, scullery, sea room, seating, seating area, seating room, seats, sewing room, shipping room, shower room, sick berth, sickbay, sickroom, sitting room, sleeping accommodation, sleeping room, smoking room, snug, snuggery, solarium, squad room, standing room, steam bath, steam room, storage room, storeroom, stowage, study, sun lounge, sun parlor, sun parlour, sun porch, sunporch, sunroom, surgery, taproom, television room, test room, testing room, toilet, torture chamber, trading floor, tv room, vapor bath, vapour bath, vestibule, vestry, waiting area, waiting room, walk-in, war room, white room, workroom

Room is a part of:

Parts of room:

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