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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Noun: turnout
1. turnout
The group that gathers together for a particular occasion
"a large turnout for the meeting";
2. turnout [ Synonyms: widening]
A part of a road that has been widened to allow cars to pass or park
3. turnout [ Synonyms: railroad siding, sidetrack, siding]
A short stretch of railroad track used to store rolling stock or enable trains on the same line to pass
ریل گاڑیوں کا رُخ بدلنے یا ڈبوں کو جوڑنے کے لیے اصل پٹڑی کے پہلو میں مختصر مقامی پٹڑی۔
4. turnout [ Synonyms: output, outturn]
What is produced in a given time period
5. turnout [ Synonyms: getup, outfit, rig]
A set of clothing (with accessories)
"his getup was exceedingly elegant";
لباس کی ترتیب۔
6. turnout
Attendance for a particular event or purpose (as to vote in an election)
"the turnout for the rally";

Lexical Analysis

Derived Words:

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زور سے ہلنا یا ہلانا
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