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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Noun: defence
1. defence [ Synonyms: defence mechanism, defence reaction, defense, defense mechanism, defense reaction]
(psychiatry) an unconscious process that tries to reduce the anxiety associated with instinctive desires
2. defence [ Synonyms: defending team, defense]
(sports) the team that is trying to prevent the other team from scoring
"his teams are always good on defense";
3. defence [ Synonyms: defense, defense lawyers, defense team]
The defendant and his legal advisors collectively
"the defense called for a mistrial";
4. defence [ Synonyms: defence force, defense, defense force]
An organization of defenders that provides resistance against attack
"he joined the defense against invasion";
5. defence [ Synonyms: defense, refutation]
The speech act of answering an attack on your assertions
"his refutation of the charges was short and persuasive"; "in defense he said the other man started it";
دعوے پر حملے کا جواب دینے کی تقریر ایکٹ۔
6. defence [ Synonyms: defense, vindication]
The justification for some act or belief
"he offered a persuasive defense of the theory";
7. defence [ Synonyms: defense, defensive structure]
A structure used to defend against attack
"the artillery battered down the defenses";
8. defence [ Synonyms: defense, defensive measure]
(military) military action or resources protecting a country against potential enemies
"they died in the defense of Stalingrad"; "they were developed for the defense program";
9. defence [ Synonyms: defense]
Protection from harm
"sanitation is the best defense against disease";
10. defence [ Synonyms: defense]
The act of defending someone or something against attack or injury
"a good boxer needs a good defense"; "defense against hurricanes is an urgent problem";

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