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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Adjective: flash
1. flash [ Synonyms: brassy, cheap, flashy, garish, gaudy, gimcrack, loud, meretricious, tacky, tatty, tawdry, trashy]
Tastelessly showy
"a flash car"; "a flashy ring"; "garish colors"; "a gaudy costume"; "loud sport shirts"; "a meretricious yet stylish book"; "tawdry ornaments";
بھڑکیلا اور بھدا۔
بھڑک دار۔
بےتکی شوشا۔
دکھاوے کی۔
Noun: flash
1. flash
A sudden intense burst of radiant energy
اچانک سے چمکنا۔
2. flash
A momentary brightness
3. flash [ Synonyms: flashing]
A short vivid experience
"a flash of emotion swept over him"; "the flashings of pain were a warning";
4. flash
A sudden brilliant understanding
"he had a flash of intuition";
5. flash [ Synonyms: blink of an eye, heartbeat, instant, jiffy, new york minute, split second, trice, twinkling, wink]
A very short time (as the time it takes the eye to blink or the heart to beat)
"if I had the chance I'd do it in a flash";
بہت کم وقت۔
بہت کم وقت جیسے آنکہوں کا جھپکنا۔
بہت کم وقت میں۔
جیسے پلک کا جھپکنا۔
لمحے کا وقت۔
مختصر سا وقت۔
کم وقت۔
6. flash [ Synonyms: fanfare, ostentation]
A gaudy outward display
7. flash [ Synonyms: flare]
A burst of light used to communicate or illuminate
8. flash [ Synonyms: news bulletin, newsbreak, newsflash]
A short news announcement concerning some on-going news story
اہم خبر۔
مختصر خبر۔
9. flash
A bright patch of color used for decoration or identification
"red flashes adorned the airplane"; "a flash sewn on his sleeve indicated the unit he belonged to";
10. flash [ Synonyms: flash bulb, flash lamp, flashbulb, flashgun, photoflash]
A lamp for providing momentary light to take a photograph
فوٹو چمکارا۔
فوٹو چمکارا لیمپ۔
فلیش بلب۔
کیمرے کی ۔
Verb: flash
1. flash [ Synonyms: blink, twinkle, wink, winkle]
Gleam or glow intermittently
"The lights were flashing";
2. flash
Appear briefly
"The headlines flashed on the screen";
3. flash [ Synonyms: flaunt, ostentate, show off, swank]
Display proudly; act ostentatiously or pretentiously
"he showed off his new sports car";
طمطراق دکھانا۔
4. flash
Make known or cause to appear with great speed
"The latest intelligence is flashed to all command posts";
5. flash [ Synonyms: dart, dash, scoot, scud, shoot]
Run or move very quickly or hastily
"She dashed into the yard";
تیزی سے دوڑنا ۔
6. flash
Expose or show briefly
"he flashed a $100 bill";
تیز ی سے دکھانا۔
7. flash
Protect by covering with a thin sheet of metal
"flash the roof";
8. flash
Emit a brief burst of light
"A shooting star flashed and was gone";

Lexical Analysis

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ایک امریکی جو شمال میں رہتا ہے (خاص طور پر امریکی خانہ جنگی کے دوران)
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