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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Noun: sparkle
1. sparkle [ Synonyms: light, spark, twinkle]
Merriment expressed by a brightness or gleam or animation of countenance
"he had a sparkle in his eye"; "there's a perpetual twinkle in his eyes";
آنکھیں جھپکانا۔
چمکتی صورت۔
2. sparkle [ Synonyms: coruscation, glitter]
The occurrence of a small flash or spark
3. sparkle [ Synonyms: glisten, glister, glitter, scintillation]
The quality of shining with a bright reflected light
درخشاں ہونا۔
چمکتی ہوئی۔
چمک دمک۔
Verb: sparkle
1. sparkle [ Synonyms: coruscate, scintillate]
Reflect brightly
"Unquarried marble sparkled on the hillside";
چمک اٹھنا۔
2. sparkle [ Synonyms: coruscate, scintillate]
Be lively or brilliant or exhibit virtuosity
"The musical performance sparkled"; "A scintillating conversation"; "his playing coruscated throughout the concert hall";
3. sparkle [ Synonyms: spark]
Emit or produce sparks
"A high tension wire, brought down by a storm, can continue to spark";
4. sparkle [ Synonyms: effervesce, fizz, foam, form bubbles, froth]
Become bubbly or frothy or foaming
"The boiling soup was frothing"; "The river was foaming"; "sparkling water";
بلبلے بننا۔
بلبلے پیدا ہونا۔
بلبلے چہوڑنا۔
جھاگ بن جانا۔

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December 28, 2024
- any venturesome undertaking especially one with an uncertain outcome
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