1. foul [ Synonyms: disgustful, disgusting, distasteful, loathly, loathsome, repellant, repellent, repelling, revolting, skanky, wicked, yucky] | |
Highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust
"a disgusting smell"; "distasteful language"; "a loathsome disease"; "the idea of eating meat is repellent to me"; "revolting food"; "a wicked stench";
قابل نفرت۔ ناگوار ۔ |
2. foul [ Synonyms: fetid, foetid, foul-smelling, funky, ill-scented, noisome, smelly, stinking] | |
Offensively malodorous
"a foul odor"; "the kitchen smelled really funky";
بدبودار۔ بو دار۔ |
3. foul [ Synonyms: cheating, dirty, unsporting, unsportsmanlike] | |
Violating accepted standards or rules
"a dirty fighter"; "used foul means to gain power"; "a nasty unsporting serve"; "fined for unsportsmanlike behavior";
4. foul [ Synonyms: dirty, marked-up] | |
(of a manuscript) defaced with changes
"foul (or dirty) copy";
5. foul [ Synonyms: cruddy, filthy, nasty, smutty] | |
Characterized by obscenity
"had a filthy mouth"; "foul language"; "smutty jokes";
۔ بے ہودہ ۔ فحش ۔ |
6. foul [ Synonyms: filthy, nasty] | |
Disgustingly dirty; filled or smeared with offensive matter
"as filthy as a pigsty"; "a foul pond"; "a nasty pigsty of a room";
غلیظ۔ گندہ۔ |
7. foul | |
(of a baseball) not hit between the foul lines
1. foul | |
An act that violates the rules of a sport
1. foul | |
Hit a foul ball
2. foul [ Synonyms: contaminate, pollute] | |
Make impure
"The industrial wastes polluted the lake";
آلودہ کرنا
۔ گندہ کرنا۔ |
3. foul [ Synonyms: back up, choke, choke off, clog, clog up, congest] | |
Become or cause to become obstructed
"The leaves clog our drains in the Fall"; "The water pipe is backed up";
رکاوٹ بننا۔ بند ہونا یا بند کرنا۔ |
4. foul | |
Commit a foul; break the rules
اصول توڑنا۔ |
5. foul [ Synonyms: befoul, defile, maculate] | |
Spot, stain, or pollute
"The townspeople defiled the river by emptying raw sewage into it";
آلودہ کرنا۔ گندہ کرنا۔ |
6. foul | |
Make unclean
"foul the water";
گندا کرنا۔ |
7. foul | |
Become soiled and dirty
گندا ہونا۔ |
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