1. howl [ Synonyms: howling, ululation] | |
A long loud emotional utterance
"he gave a howl of pain"; "howls of laughter"; "their howling had no effect";
درد بھری چیخ مارنا۔ کتے کی سی آواز۔ چلانا۔ چیخنا۔ چیخ و پکار۔ |
2. howl | |
The long plaintive cry of a hound or a wolf
جانور کی طرح چیخ کر رونا۔ |
3. howl | |
A loud sustained noise resembling the cry of a hound
"the howl of the wind made him restless";
1. howl [ Synonyms: roar, ululate, wail, yaup, yawl] | |
Emit long loud cries
"wail in self-pity"; "howl with sorrow";
رونا پیٹنا۔ کتے سی آواز نکالنا۔ |
2. howl [ Synonyms: wrawl, yammer, yowl] | |
Cry loudly, as of animals
"The coyotes were howling in the desert";
رونا۔ بلند آواز سے رونا۔ جانوروں کی طرح زور سے رونا۔ چلانا۔ چلانا جانورں کی طرح۔ |
3. howl [ Synonyms: roar] | |
Make a loud noise, as of wind, water, or vehicles
"The wind was howling in the trees"; "The water roared down the chute";
4. howl [ Synonyms: roar] | |
Laugh unrestrainedly and heartily
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